Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails - and dill weed.

"So, we're unsure of what food to have at the baby shower...." 

This would be a phone conversation between my mom and I one morning on my way to work, 7:30 a.m. to be exact.  My little cousin (that's right.. LITTLE) is having a baby.  Not that shes ready for it, not that they can afford to make rent on their newly leased apartment, much less afford a gazillion dollars worth of formula - they are still having a kid.  Yea, I'm a little jealous.  I'm more together than they are, more settled, yet I'm scared shitless of having a baby.  Anyway, back to the conversation.  As we're chatting about who likes to eat what, what games to play, is the paternal grandmother too stuffy to participate in a apple juice baby bottle chugging contest - I'm struggling to concentrate on the important stuff.  For instance, must drive car, must remember where you work, did I unplug the flat iron, no I cannot turn around and go back to bed.  What can I say?  I'm not a morning person. 

I vaguely remember mumbling something about cucumber sandwiches and diapers.

"That would be really great, are you sure you know how to do it?  I bet it will be cute!  I'm sure most people would like cucumber sandwiches too.  Remember, they are going for brown and blue."

Uhm, what?  As I'm pulling into my office parking lot and ending the conversation I just realized I had volunteered to make cucumber sandwiches for this 'event.'  Have I ever even had a cucumber sandwich?  What the hell goes on it?  Is it bread?  A dip?  Wait a minute... what did she say about diapers?  Did I actually say I would make a diaper cake for this shindig?  Shit, I think I did. 

I consider myself to be slightly crafty.  I can string plastic beads on a foot long length of yarn and make that little 7 year old I have at home think I am the next Vera Wang.  Sure I can do this.  Google, google, google, diaper cake, how to, photos, ideas, baby, boy, blue, brown.  OK, I think I have an idea.  Now for the cucumber sandwiches.  Luckily I have some Betty Crocker loving friends on facebook who supplied me with a fairly simple and sworn delicious recipe for 'Fancy Cucumber Sandwiches.'  We shall see.  Luckily I have about 20 some days to figure out where to find Dill Weed and roll about 100 diapers in brown and blue ribbon.  Tonight I will start the cake, and by starting the cake I mean sitting at my kitchen table copying down Mother Goose nursery rhymes on scrapbook paper.  I will update on this cake process with pictures, as I think its definitely going to be a learning experience. 

Here are some fancy schmancy diaper cake pics I stole offline, please don't sue me for copyright whatever you call it, I'm just trying to give you an idea of what I'm aiming for.  As I'm sure my version will need some sort of definition.  ie: "Ohhh... so THAT'S what you were going for with the big clump of pampers..." 

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