Wow. So uhm, yea. I suck at keeping up with.. well, anything. Guess this is just going to have to be a sporatic, unorganized, kinda thing.
Time "fell" back this weekend and I am still adjusting to the fact that I rolled out of bed at 4:30 this morning and was greeted by a grumpy man standing in front of the fridge. Since my coffee pot hadn't automatically switched on yet and I was too tired and sleep blinded to find the "ON" button, I made the decision to go back to bed before I was charged with a domestic homocide of some sort. Rule # 1, Dont catch an attitude with me before I've had coffee, even I dont know what I may do to you, and chances are I WONT remember doing it.
I am also still adjusting to having the weekend before that consumed by visiting inlaws. When I say visiting, you have to understand, their 'visit' isnt the same as mine... or most peoples 'visit.' For example, last time 'The Older Sister' decided to visit us she was in my backyard setting up a tent by the time I got home from work. She had a 'crazy fun awesome' idea to 'camp out.' Yea, sorry but just like my coffee goes, 5:30 on a Friday afternoon - I'm gonna need a beer or two before I can carry on a conversation with anyone residing in what looks like a gypsy camp set up in my back yard. This time it was both sisters, a brother-in-law, a mother, and nine kids. Count em! NINE! I like kids, I dont have any of my own, except for Miss Priss my 7 year old psuedo step daughter. But nine kids are too much for me, way too much. Then there was talk of "the tent." I dont remember much of the weekend after that, other than a brief trip to the ABC store...
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